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Tombola is the Italian version of Bingo. However, unlike the American version, where you can make Bingo horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, In Tombola, only horizontally counts.

On each card there are 3 rows and 9 columns.

Vintage Tombola Tombolini Tiles! Bring home the classic tombolini tiles from the traditional Italian bingo variant, Tombola! Each set of tiles comes with 90 tiles, numbered 1-90, for adding to Tombola, Bingo, and other games. These tiles are made of cuts of natural wood, numbers painted red to. Bingo90 – the much loved 90 ball bingo Everyone loves a classic and this is the original – tombola’s take on 90 ball bingo. Get ready to join the fun with prizes for One Line, Two Lines, a Full House and a progressive Jackpot of up to £20,000.

  • Column 1 contains numbers from 1-10,

  • Column 2 contains numbers from 11-20,

  • Column 3 contains numbers from 21-30, …

  • Column 9 contains numbers from 81-90.

Note that in each row, only 5 of the 9 columns are occupied by a number. The other columns are intentionally left blank.

Tombola Bingo 90 Free

Numbers are called out of a rotating drum, just as in American Bingo. The person who pulls the number out of the drum is called the tombolone. Instead of using a regular tombola card, the tombolone uses a special sheet on which the numbers from 1-90 are written in sequential order. This is the equivalent of playing 6 regular tombola cards.

Tombola 90

The tombolone will proceed to pull numbers from the rotating drum one at a time. He/she will then typically announce the number in Italian (and sometimes in English, depending on the audience). Each number typically also has a little rhyme that goes along with it, which the tombolone will also announce.

For example:

  • If the number 25 is called, then the tombolone will shout out “Venticinque—Natale”. (The connection being 25 is the date of Christmas, which in Italian is Natale.)

  • If the number 33 is called, then the tombolone will shout out “Trentatre—Ll’anne Gesu Cristo”. (The connection here is that Jesus lived on Earth for 33 years.)

Many of the rhymes have religious themes. However, some others are what we would call “politically uncorrect”.

Just as in American Bingo, as each number is called out, players cover that number on their cards. However, instead of using poker chips to cover the numbers, most tombola sets that you can buy come with little plastic beans, or fagioli. (You can even use real beans if you run out of the plastic ones.)

Tombola is tradtionally played for money. Each card costs a set amount (i.e. a dime or quarter). Players can purchase as many cards as they wish, except for the tombolone, who must purchase 6 cards. The total pot will be divided into 5 smaller prizes. Each prize goes to the winner of the 5 individual rounds which make up a complete tombola game.

The 5 rounds of a tombola game are:

  • Ambo: 1st person to cover 2 numbers in a row

  • Terno: 1st person to cover 3 numbers in a row

  • Quaderno: 1st person to cover 4 numbers in a row

  • Quinto: 1st person to cover 5 numbers in a row

  • Tombola: 1st person to cover all 15 numbers on the card

When one person has covered 2 out of the 5 numbers in a horizontal row, he/she will call out Ambo. Then the game stops and the person collects his/her prize. The game continues, with prizes are collected for the winners of the Terno, Quaderno, and Quinto rounds.

The person who finally covers all of the numbers on his/her card calls out Tombola, and is considered the winner of the game. (Usually the pot for the Tombolaround is larger than those of the other rounds.)


Here are the rhymes which correspond to each number in Tombola, given in Neapolitan dialect (top), standard Italian (middle), and English (bottom). An explanation is also provided for some numbers.

In Italy tombola is a very common family game played at Christmas, similar to bingo, the English version so popular in the United Kingdom, Ireland and, under many forms, all around the world. In Italy at Christmas Eve playing tombola is a must, with all the relatives united around grandparents and small children shouting when they win a prize (adults usually don't call a prize if there are children around, to let them win).
Other Features
The creche Traditions Tombola Recipes The Befana December Christmas memories The Panettone Tale of The Fishes The Pandoro Xmas Poems Coloring Book Paper Nativity Assisi Christmas Concert 2013 Old Xmas Cards Paper Tree Nativities in Art Christmas Songs

Modern tombola

Modern tombola cards are in plastic and have on the numbers small plastic slots that can be closed down when the number is called, but traditionally they were closed by beans ('fagioli') or by pieces of orange peel, that you had to eat while playing. Fix a price for each card (ex. 1 dollar). The players buy the cards, and one of the players buys the 'cartellone .

How to play

The money from the sale of the cards is divided into five prizes, from lowest to highest, with tombola being the jackpot:
  • the 'ambo', two numbers on the same row
  • the 'terno', three numbers on the same row
  • the 'quaterna', four numbers on the same row
  • the 'cinquina', five numbers on the same row
  • the 'tombola', all numbers on the card
Then the one who has the cartellone takes the numbers out of the sack, one at a time, calling them loudly, and placing them on their box in the cartellone, and leaving time to the players to mark the number on their card.

What you need to play

  • a tabellone with squares containing all numbers from 1 to 90;
  • numbered cards, all of them different, each one containing blank squares and 15 squares containing random numbers, arranged in three rows, each containing five numbers; this cards are bought by the players
  • 90 wooden or plastic 'tombolini' with numbers from 1 to 90, which are kept in a container (usually a cloth sack).
Tombola 90

The Smorfia

Cartelle Tombola 90 Numeri

For more color in the game, each number has also a nickname, either local or from the 'Smorfia' napoletana'; see below the common expressions.
1 Il maschio
2 L'amore
3 Il malanno
4 Il piacere
5 La mano
6 Lo specchio
7 Le corna
8 Il petto delle donne
9 La rabbia
10 Il cannone
11 Gli imbrogli
12 I soldati
13 Il bellimbusto
14 I cornuti
15 Fidarsi
16 L'asino
17 La disgrazia
18 La tradizione
19 Arrossire
20 Le feste
21 La donna
22 Il parroco
23 La suocera
24 Gli occhi
25 Il natale
26 I maccheroni
27 Il carceriere
28 Il matrimonio
29 Le castagne
30 Lo sciocco
31 La scopa
32 La gelosia
33 Gli anni di Cristo
34 L'adulterio
35 La gobba
36 La testa
37 Il frate
38 La folla
39 La smorfia
40 La pelle
41 Buffone
42 I pidocchi
43 La gioia
44 l'inganno
45 I pazzi
46 La serenata
47 Il morto che parla
48 La castità
49 Lo sforzo
50 Il pane
52 La gabbia
52 I muscoli
53 L'acquavite
54 Le bastonate

Tombola 90 Bingo

55 La salute
56 La caduta
57 I vizi
58 La calunnia
59 La casa
60 La lite
61 Il ghiottone
62 I complimenti
63 La carovana
64 Le toppe
65 La pancia
66 Il successo
67 La pettegola
68 La minestra
69 L'elemosina
70 La sorpresa
71 La novità
72 La virilità

Tombola 90 Cartelle

73 Il cappone
74 Il vagabondo
75 Il tempo bello
76 La chiave
77 Le gambe
78 L'ubriaco
79 Le frittelle
80 La bocca
81 Il bordello
82 L'onore
83 La coscienza
84 La chiesa
85 L'anima
86 Lo spiantato
87 Il palato
88 Trafficare
89 L'invidia
90 La paura